Agency digital transformation Beehive

Views: 34

Our main direction - digital-transformation of client‘s business, the transfer online processes and customer service.

The company is in:
Top 3 developers with 1C-Bitrix (CMS, shop);
Top developers according to the version of 1C-Bitrix;
Coordinating Council SPECIA;
Top “Best website developer” (according to the Rating of the Runet).
Developed more than 200 solutions to clients ‘ problems.

Our expertise:
Development and implementation of strategies for translating your business online;
Help businesses to correctly identify problems and to choose the most optimal solution;
Extensive experience in the company business development;
Provide full cycle in the development of sites;
Implementing corporate portals and CRM;
Start and completely run Internet marketing.
Problem solving in the areas of trade, b2b and b2c, logistics, construction, education and science.

We specialize in:
Design and web design;
Analyst (processes, marketing, end-to-end);
Automation of processes;
Internet marketing (strategy, SEO, context, targeting, SMM).


Saint Petersburg City
Saint Petersburg city

nablvd. Obvodnogo kanala, 199-201, korpu

tel. +7 (812) 648-23-34
Actual on 01.01.2018
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