A small country

Views: 9

Dear parents! Development center "Small country" carries an extra set of kids:
Our center is located in a spacious 4 bedroom apartment which is specially equipped for kindergarten, about 96 square meters, planned to reach about 3 kids.
Our chef will provide kids 4 meals a day (Breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner). In terms of food takes into account all the wishes of the parents, shall be strictly accounted menus for children with allergies, we understand how important it is to adhere strictly to the diet for them.
We also try to provide individual approach to each child, so children in the group a little, they will engage experienced educators who love their work, and most importantly love children.
By passing classes with teachers 2 times a week with boys engaged a speech therapist, a psychologist and a music teacher. In the yard of the house there is an equipped Playground.
Come, Your toddler will love us!!


Krasnoyarsk Krai
Krasnoyarsk city

ave. Metallurgov, 30

tel. 8 (391) 215-43-45

Actual on 01.01.2018
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