Alliance law office

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1. Advising on all areas of law, including, if necessary, with the preparation of written reports on the legislation.

Qualified advice helps to avoid dispute, resolve the dispute, to protect them from substantial financial costs.

2. Preparation of claims, applications and complaints to the court for criminal cases (as with reading documents, and without).

Preparation of applications, complaints and other legal documents in state bodies.

We draft all types of documents, from simple (the statement on initiation of the writ proceeding alimony) to the most complex legal documents that require reviewing the matter for several days (such as supervising complaint for many episodea criminal case). Preparation of legal documents requires advanced skills, ability to analyze the facts available and clearly Express their thoughts, the ability to persuade in the legality and validity of the client‘s legal position. Of perceived foregoing arguments, often depend on people‘s lives.

3. Protection in criminal cases.

The participation of a lawyer during the preliminary investigation.

Litigation in court.

The presentation of evidence, preparation and application of petitions, complaints concerning unlawful actions of criminal prosecution body.

Preparation of cassation and supervision complaints, acquaintance with business, participation at the stage of cassation and nadzor proceedings.

Visiting and advising clients during arrest and detention.

Provide protection for all categories of criminal cases, the attorneys spetsializiruyutsya on the conduct of the business of the official crime (abuse of power or official authority – article 424 of the criminal code, excess of power or official authority – article 424 of the criminal code, forgery – St. 427 of the criminal code, negligence - of article 428 of the criminal code, bribery of article 430 of the criminal code, bribery – article 431 of the criminal code, mediation in bribery – article 432 of the criminal code) and economic crimes (illegal business activities – article 233 of the criminal code, evasion from payment of taxes, fees – article 243 of the criminal code, legalization ("laundering") of material assets acquired through criminal activity – article 235 of the criminal code, extortion of a loan or grant – article 237 of the criminal code, commercial bribery article 252 of the criminal code).

Representation of the interests of victims at the stage of preliminary investigation and in court.

4. Preparation and submission of different categories, including pre-trial settlement of disputes.

The work of the lawyer consists in a legal analysis, evaluation of potential prospects, preparing and conducting business at any stage.

Housing disputes (recognition of the right of use of premises, annulment of the right of use of premises, for termination of the tenancy agreement, the recognition has acquired the right of use of premises, the change of the contract of hiring of premises, of the universe of citizens in residential premises, the eviction of citizens from dwellings, to determine the order of use of premises, elimination of obstacles to the right to the use and ownership of dwellings, etc.).

Legal support of real estate transactions.

Disputes relating to ownership right to residential premises and residential buildings (apartments and houses, to allot shares in the residential building with the termination of common ownership, about changing the share in the ownership of the dwelling and section, on transfer of shares in an ownership right on premises with the payment of monetary compensation, the recognition of ownership of the dwelling, on the division of the share or cooperative apartments, about compulsion to the state registration, on invalidation of transactions donation of sale of residential premises, the termination of contracts of life maintenance of a dependent, invalidation of transactions with residential premises is valid, to transfer the rights and obligations of the buyer in violation of the right of pre-emption, etc.).

Disputes arising from contracts of shared construction.

Family disputes (division of jointly acquired marital property, preparation of premarital agreements, divorce, disputes on determination of order of communication with minors and determination of their place of residence arising from maintenance obligations – in the case of minor children or the disabled in need of financial assistance of parents, about the reimbursement of additional expenses for the child, deprivation of parental rights, the recognition of the marriage contract null and void, annulment, paternity, contesting paternity, adoption, including international, etc.).

Inheritance disputes (recognition of property rights on inherited property, division of inheritance, establishing the fact of acceptance of inheritance, recognition, accepted the inheritance, acceptance of inheritance upon the expiry of the term, the recognition of the will invalid, the invalidation of certificates of inheritance, recognition unworthy heir, etc.)
Land disputes (section of land, determination of boundaries, determination of the order of use of land, the elimination of obstacles to the right to use the land, etc.).

Civil disputes related to debt recovery, with the performance of other civil contracts, termination of contracts, collecting of percent for using another‘s money funds, recognition of transactions void, the establishment of facts of nullity of transactions and application of consequences of its invalidity, annulment of state registration of transactions.

Disputes under claims about protection of honor, dignity and business reputation.

Disputes related to recovery of monetary compensation for moral damage in cases provided by the legislation: in the case of harm to life and health, breach of moral rights; for victims of crime, etc.

Disputes related to the execution of contracts of insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners; for damages caused in connection with the accident exceeds the liability limits under the insurance contract the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle or damages not covered by insurance.

The firm‘s lawyers can represent clients in trust. Representation of client‘s interests in court by power of attorney, allowing him to participate in all judicial sessions, to save time and preserve health.

5. The conduct of administrative Affairs.

The presentation of evidence, participation in the proceedings, the appeal issued decisions on bringing to administrative responsibility.

6. The preparation and the conduct of economic Affairs.

Pre-trial (claim) work on the case, including the negotiation and drafting of claims. Prepare a statement of claim and statement of defence.

Participation in any court.

Appeal against court decisions.

7. The representation of citizens in state bodies and other organizations.

Article 62 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus guarantees everyone‘s right at any time to appoint counsel to protect its interests in court and prosecution bodies and public and private institutions.

Use the services of a lawyer may any person called as a witness in a criminal or administrative case, a citizen that requires a clear legal rationale for his position when dealing with authorities and management.


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Minsk city

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